![]() We’ve always brought in nice fish, but have had many requests over the last year for a higher quality koi fish. Not just a more beautiful koi, but one that’s stronger and healthier than the fish that are generally brought into New Hampshire through local pet stores and fish distributors.
Thanks to our faithful clients, customers and supporters, Nature Scapes has been named an American Small Business Champion by SCORE and Sam's Club! It is only with your continued support that we have gotten to where we are today and achieved success in our community.
Wouldn't it be great to bring the beach home? Just imagine stepping into your backyard and experiencing that moment when your toes first sink into the warm sand. Sun radiates from your toes up through your entire body, causing you to inhale. Exhale. You feel stress melt away and life flow back into your body. Impossible? Maybe not. Researchers credit all those euphoric feelings to one invisible, odorless, tasteless little molecule: the negative ion. ![]() Negative ions are created naturally as air molecules break apart due to moving water, air, radiation and sunlight. When we inhale them they increase serotonin levels and the flow of oxygen to the brain, creating the feeling that stress is melting away and life is returning to your body. So what's the secret to bringing that just "stepped onto the beach" feeling to your home? Moving water. "The action of the pounding surf creates negative air ions and we also see it immediatly after spring thunderstorms when people report lightened moods," says Michael Terman, PhD, ion researcher at the University of Columbia, NY. There are so many ways to add moving water to your home the possibilities are only limited by your imagination. When I go to the beach I love to sit on the sand or a warm rock and put my feet in the cool water, if you're like me a pond with a stream or waterfall may be the perfect choice for you. ![]() While you can't really put your feet in it if space is limited a patio pond with a small fountain may be perfect. The addition of a fogger will increase the negative ion output of your small water feature. ![]() Perhaps you prefer the luxury of a chaise lounge or tiki hut as you sip your favorite beverage. A pondless waterfall that dissapears into your patio may be just the thing to add the sounds of water and increase the negative ions in your backyard, bringing the beach home. www.nhpond.com
The words "Rainwater Harvesting" often conjure up images of large plastic containers and odd contraptions that take up valuable space in your landscape. We utilize Aquascape's RainXchange technology to seamlessly intergrate rainwater harvesting underground. The modular system can sit underneath parking lots or patios making the most of under utilized space. RainXchange rainwater harvesting systems can be sized from 33 gallons to the limits of your imagination. Beautiful decorative water features (ponds, waterfalls or fountains) are used to aerate water and keep it fresh until it is used. In the photo above, rainwater falls from scuppers on the roof of this home onto the upright stone and watergarden below. The water is utilized to top off the two ponds and waterfall systems. Below is a gallery of pictures from this Hanover, NH rainwater harvesting system. www.nhpond.com
Water Fringe, fringed water-lily, yellow water snowflake are all common names for the little gem, Nymphoides. A vigorous grower that shades the water with its two inch maroon marbled leaves, provides cover for fish and helps keep water clean and algae free. Its small size makes it great for containers (simply trim to the desired size.) Yellow fringed blossoms of the water-fringe are some of the brightest blossoms of the water garden. Nymphoides, water lily-like plants can be planted directly into a pond or in a pot at about 18" depth. Here in New Hampshire we grow the painted variety as an annual, hardy zones 7-11, in full sun. They grow vigorously during the season and then die off during the winter months allowing for easy controll of this water garden gem. www.nhpond.com
BACKYARD FOUNTAINS AND WATERFALLS TRANSFORM YOUR HOME AND LIFESTYLE IN THE SAME WAY THAT A VACATION TO THE OCEAN OR A MOUNTAIN LAKE SOOTHES YOUR NERVES AND BREATHE A BREATH OF FRESH AIR INTO YOUR SOUL. Koi fish ponds, are A great way to unwind after a busy day.A pond near a patio, deck or gazebo transforms your home. Offering a moment of peace and serenity after a hard days work. While a swimming pool may loose its charms, the allure of koi, the stunning blossoms of waterlilies and lotus invite you to enjoy a moment relaxing in the sun. Backyard fountains and waterfallsBackyard fountains and waterfalls come in every landscape style from natural, to whimsicle, contemporary to traditional fountains have brought the music of water into the landscape for centuries. They can fit in a small space making it seem larger and can bring a very large space together with their soothing waters.
![]() Hanover, NH. The installation of a pondless waterfall transformed this steeply sloped backyard. A steep hillside can be a difficult area in a yard. Too steep to mow, and difficult to plant and weed. We overcame these challenges by adding pathways throughout the garden that give nice level workplaces. Plantings need to be closer together as the slope lets in more air and sunshine than a traditional flat garden bed, and lastly we added a 35' pondless waterfall to transform this New Hampshire backyard. Pondless waterfalls are low maintenance (less than 10 min a week). They add a touch of class and tranquility. If you have questions about this pondless waterfall or its design click "contact us" and we would be happy to help. ![]() Of our favorite koi pond plants lotus is certainly at the top of the list. Lotus is elegant and architectural, standing with most leaves and flowers held well above the waters surface. Here in the Lakes Region of New Hampshire the hardier varieties seem to winter over quite well provided they are submerged in water below the ice. Lotus (nelumbo) are one of the largest water garden plants. Flowers range from white to yellow, light-very deep pink and combinations of those colors. Water creates a mercurial effect beading up when it touches the waxy surface of lotus leaves. Lotus is versatile and grows well in container gardens as well as in the pond. Lotus needs full sun, fertilizer and space to grow.
Lotus come in three basic sizes: Teacup: miniature or bowl lotus that grow from several inches to 1 foot and are temperamental. “Dwarf”: lotus, actually quite large with plants growing 3-5’ and flowers +6”. These “dwarfs” are the most compatible to the average size pond or water garden and come in the widest range of varieties. Full Size: magnificent plants with leaves up to 3’ in diameter and in excess of 6’ from the waters surface. Incredible flowers up to 13”. Lotus is still a common food item in Asia. Both the tubers and seeds are utilized in their cuisine. Immature seeds are gathered by the Cajuns of Louisiana and are snacked on raw. THIS PEMBROKE NH YARD WAS TRANSFORMED BY A GARDEN POND IN JUST TWO DAYS... MOST PEOPLE PLACE THEIR GARDEN PONDS IN THE BACK YARD CLOSE TO A PATIO OR JUST OUTSIDE THE KITCHEN WINDOW. THIS GARDEN POND, HOWEVER, IS LOCATED IN THE FRONT YARD. CLASSICAL MUSIC AND THE SOUND OF THIS WATERFALL INVITE YOU TO STOP AND VISIT A WHILE BEFORE PASSING ON DOWN THE ROAD. ONE OF THE CHALLENGES OF THIS POND BUILD IS THAT WE WERE CALLED JUST TWO WEEKS BEFORE A GARDEN TOUR. WE DID OUR VERY BEST (THE EASY STREET ACCESS HELPED TOO...) TO KEEP THE YARD PRISTINE AS WE BUILT. YOU CAN SEE FROM THE PICTURES JUST TWO DAYS LATER THIS GARDEN POND LOOKS LIKE IT HAS ALWAYS BEEN A PART OF THIS YARD.
SUNY Plattsburg, Hawkins Hall Pond Build was an amazing project to be a part of. As you can see in the time lapse video on the right this build was extrordinarly choreographed. Sean and April Frost of Nature Scapes were honored to be a part of this tallented group of pond builders.
AuthorSean & April Frost, Nature Scapes, live in Grafton, NH and have dedicated their lives to the art of pond building. Archives
May 2017
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